In Laravel 10, Laravel Mix is a tool that provides an elegant API for defining Webpack build steps for your Laravel application. It allows you to compile and optimize your CSS, JavaScript, and other assets for your web application. Here’s a detailed overview:
Setting Up Laravel Mix
Laravel Mix is included by default with new Laravel installations. If you’re starting from scratch, you can get started with the following steps:
1. Install Node.js and NPM
Make sure you have Node.js and NPM installed on your machine. You can download and install them from [](
2. Install Laravel Mix
Navigate to your Laravel project’s root directory and install the necessary dependencies using NPM:
npm install
This command reads the `package.json` file and installs the dependencies listed, including Laravel Mix.
3. Configure Laravel Mix
Laravel Mix configuration is defined in the `webpack.mix.js` file located in the root of your Laravel project. Here’s an example configuration:
const mix = require('laravel-mix'); mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js') .sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css') .options({ processCssUrls: false }); if (mix.inProduction()) { mix.version(); }
This configuration does the following:
– Compiles the `resources/js/app.js` file into `public/js/app.js`.
– Compiles the `resources/sass/app.scss` file into `public/css/app.css`.
– Disables URL processing in CSS files.
– Adds versioning (cache-busting) in production environments.
4. Run Laravel Mix
After configuring Mix, you can run the build process using the following NPM scripts:
– For development (with source maps):
npm run dev
– For production (minified files):
npm run production
You can also watch for changes and automatically rebuild your assets when files change:
npm run watch
5. Using Compiled Assets in Blade Templates
After compiling your assets, you can include them in your Blade templates using the `mix` helper function:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ mix('css/app.css') }}"> <script src="{{ mix('js/app.js') }}"></script>
Additional Features
Laravel Mix provides many additional features, such as:
– Extracting Vendor Libraries:
You can extract vendor libraries to a separate file to improve caching.
– Versioning/Cache Busting:
Ensures that browsers receive the latest version of your files.
if (mix.inProduction()) { mix.version(); }
– Source Maps:
Generates source maps to aid in debugging.
– BrowserSync:
Automatically refreshes your browser when files change.
Compiling assets with Laravel Mix in Laravel 10 involves:
– Setting up Node.js and NPM.
– Configuring the `webpack.mix.js` file.
– Running the build process with appropriate NPM scripts.
– Including compiled assets in your Blade templates.
This process helps streamline asset management, ensuring optimized and versioned files for your web application.
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